Open Box Deluxe Adirondack Chair with PULLOUT Ottoman by ResinTEAK

Resin Teak
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Enjoy complete comfort and relaxation in this all-weather Adirondack chair with ottoman. This Adirondack features a contoured seat, unique curved backrest, and a convenient hideaway ottoman.

Adirondack chair is built with virgin high density polyethylene (HDPE), which withstands all kinds of climates including hot sun, snowy winters, freezing rain, salt spray, and strong coastal winds. Meanwhile, it is waterproof and resistant to stains and corrosive substances, so it is very easy to clean.


DURABLE: Made from genuine HDPE Poly Lumber. These chairs are the perfect choice for long lasting weatherproof outdoor furniture.

EASY TO ASSEMBLE. Clear instructions and marine-grade quality hardware make assembly very easy for everyone. Estimate assembling time 20-25 minutes.

EASY MAINTENANCE: Unlike wood chairs, our special formulated HDPE Adirondack chair requires no painting, staining, waterproofing, or similar maintenance.

COMFORTABLE: Chair is weight 42 lbs. with the capacity of 300 lbs. These chairs are for everyone in anywhere.

TRENDY COLOR: You can choose from any trendy color to mix and match your home

COMFORTABLE: Chair is weight 42 lbs. with the capacity of 300 lbs. These chairs are for everyone in anywhere.

PULLOUT OTTMAN – Kick back and enjoy maximum comfort with the built-in adirondack ottoman. It hides away easily to provide space when needed.


Product Dimensions (Depth x Width x Height)  36''D x 30.7''W x 37''H 
Package Dimensions (Length x Width x Height)  30''L x 36''W x 10''H
Product Weight (Pounds)  42 LBS


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